At WhatisReel? We believe every photography or video assignment is custom. In an effort to be fair to everyone involved (and to be mindful of your budget), it's necessary for us to meet to discuss the details of your vision as realistically, what one project requires , a similar project may not. Your input and feedback are paramount to us successfully seeing your vision through to completion. Typically we divid each project into three distinction phases.
As one can appreciate, it is an involved process where all phases and components are vital to the successful creation of your finished product. As the production team, we will be there every step of the way to assist you in identification and creation of each ingredient we need. Sometimes, we uncover road blocks along the way and can help overcome these. We will always listen, ask questions to find the "need behind the need" and will make professional recommendations for a truly custom finished product!
Thanks for considering us as your production team and please visit the individual links provided to each price sheet for a pricing framework.